Avoiding Scams

Protecting Yourself from Email Scams: Essential Guidelines

Email serves as a versatile and efficient tool for communication. However, it also presents an opportunity for scammers and malicious actors to target unsuspecting individuals. These scams range from traditional bait-and-switch tactics to sophisticated phishing schemes that use emails and counterfeit websites to deceive people into revealing sensitive information. Understanding the nature of these scams, recognizing their signs, and knowing how they operate are crucial steps in protecting yourself. Below are essential guidelines from Federal Criminal Defense and White-Collar Attorney NiaLena Caravasos to help minimize your risk of falling victim to email scams.

How to Avoid Scams

Key Recommendations to Avoid Email Scams

  • Verify the Sender’s Email Address:
    Exercise caution with unsolicited emails. For instance, only trust communications from NiaLena Caravasos that originate from the official email address: NiaLena4Defense@nialena.com. Be wary of any variations such as nialena4defense@whatever.com, nialenacaravasos@whatever.com, or caravasosn@whatever.com.
  • Avoid Unsecured Payment Methods:
    Do not make payments via Western Union or similar services when dealing with legal matters.
  • Use Secure Payment Methods:
    Always use a check made out to ‘Law Office Of NiaLena Caravasos, LLC’ for any attorney payments. Ensure you hand the check directly to the attorney or confirm it is being mailed directly to the attorney’s office.
  • Stay on Trusted Platforms:
    Keep all communications with attorneys within trusted domains like NiaLena.com, Fb.com/LawOfficeNiaLenaCaravasos, SuperLawyers.com, Avvo.com, LinkedIn, or Justia. If you must take the conversation elsewhere, continue only through the verified email NiaLena4Defense@nialena.com.
  • Beware of Emergency Scams:
    Do not engage with any attorney who claims to be a friend or relative contacting you about an emergency situation.
  • Verify Social Media Accounts:
    Avoid interacting with unverified Facebook Pages claiming to represent NiaLena Caravasos, other organizations, or public figures.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can enhance your protection against email scams and secure your personal and sensitive information more effectively.