“Very good at assessing a situation
and figuring out the best move to make.”Montgomery County Criminal Lawyer
“Put Simply, NiaLena Is One Of Those,
‘Once Or Maybe Twice In A Lifetime Type Individuals’”Federal White Collar Criminal Client

“The Person Who Gave Me A New Life”
“Fighting the prosecution like a rabid pitbull.” “She sees me as a person and not a criminal … undoubtedly one of her strongest weapons in the courtroom.”
“Ending mirrored that of a fairytale and not a tragedy.”
Excerpt of full client review posted on Avvo.com
“This Lawyer Saved My Career And Life”
“Responded to all my emails within hours.” “Really taking charge in the courtroom.” and “saving my career as a doctor!”
Excerpt of full client review posted on Avvo.com
“She easily beats the big law firms with better results as a single practitioner.”
Excerpt of full review from an investigative crime reporter on Google.com
“A Woman Who Is At The Top Of Her Game”
“She was fantastic… client loved her, his family loved her and I found her to be top notch.” “She is a people person, who is a great communicator… The perfect mix in a defense attorney”
Excerpt of full endorsement by Washington, D.C. criminal defense attorney Mark Schamel on Avvo.com
“She Tamed The Beast”
“Available to me 24/7 not 24/5 during the entire process.” “Every decision she made was dead on, skillfully crafting my case to a very positive outcome … more than I ever hoped for.” “I am the former CEO of my company and not a young man.” “She tamed the beast of a system that could have ended my life in prison.”
Excerpt of full client review posted on Avvo.com
“The World Will Never Know My Name”
“I was a well-known federal government official with everything to lose.” “When NiaLena heard my story, she was brutally honest… that I was now at risk of being criminally charged. Although I didn’t like hearing the truth at the time, it was exactly what I needed so that I would wake up and get it together.” “NiaLena didn’t stop pushing… until she convince[d] the appropriate agencies not to charge me criminally.” “NiaLena… preserv[ed] my career, my freedom, and my dignity. Other criminal lawyers say they’re the best; NiaLena just is.”
Excerpt of full client review posted on Avvo.com
“NiaLena Had A Vision For Me That I Couldn’t See Myself”
“I chose NiaLena as my legal advocate because of her abilities and reputation… but little did I know that she would speak into my life things I didn’t even believe of myself and convey to me a message of hope and belief in me and in who I can become.” “In the words of Ara Parseghian, Notre Dame’s football coach, ‘A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are’.”
Excerpt of full client review posted on Avvo.com
“She truly cares about them as the people that they are”
“She gives them everything she has.” “She cares about their lives, about their families, about their desires and about their insecurities.” “She becomes their counselor, their advocate, their confidant, and their friend.” “She combines all of the above with a brilliant legal mind, making her a formidable trial lawyer.”
Excerpt of full endorsements from a criminal lawyer on SuperLawyers.com
“My Moral Compass”
“From the moment I met NiaLena, I knew that she was different.” “I’ll never forget what NiaLena said to me at our first meeting, ‘If your goal is to just win the case, you’re not a client for me, but if you intend to work hard and make real life changes, I’d consider taking you on as a client’.” “This statement left me floored[, as] I had spent the last several weeks listening to countless sales pitches and here she was telling me about the life changes I needed to make and the hard work that I would be putting in if ‘she’ wanted to take me on as a client.” “Looking back on this meeting now, those words ring more true today than I ever could have imagined.” “NiaLena had realized (before I did) that I had become very lost and needed help to find my way back.” “In the 2 years of my case, unlike my codefendants who [got 16 and 18 years and] hardly ever heard from their lawyers, I FaceTime’d with NiaLena on a weekly basis and emailed almost everyday.” “With her, my case had the best possible outcome.” “NiaLena invests her heart and soul into her clients because she truly wants to help restore them to good lives.” “Put simply, NiaLena is one of those, ‘once or maybe twice in a lifetime type individuals’.”
Excerpt of full client review posted on Avvo.com
“It Is Because Of NiaLena That I Now Have My Life And Career Back”
“The day that I met NiaLena was one of the worst days that I can remember in my entire life. All that I had worked so hard to accomplish in my life and in my career as a senior business executive was ready to come crashing down due to my own stupidity.” “She cleared her schedule to meet with me right away. She never judged me, she listened with far more than lawyerly interest, and she was totally and brutally honest with me. Her calmness and steadiness and insight and wisdom were so reassuring that for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was finally talking to someone who would… give me the true information I needed to make the best decisions and move forward from the mess that had become my life.” “More than all of this though, NiaLena really cared about me. Her numerous emails, not only from her office but also from her European vacation, and her inquiries about my life aside from this case were certainly above the call of duty and were not only greatly appreciated but were also my lifeline during this most catastrophic period. I was in jeopardy to lose it all – my life to the prison system and my career and top position in the world of high-level finance.” “I knew before I hired her that she was a great attorney, but I have also come to know for sure that she is an even better person. I feel blessed to have met her at this time in my life. I truly believe that it is because of her that I now have my life and career back.”
Excerpt of full client review posted on Avvo.com
“You’ve put an enormous amount of work into this. I want you to know how much I appreciate all the work you’ve done. I certainly hope your client appreciates it as well.”
Honorable Paul S. Diamond
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (United States v. J. F., May 2010)
“NiaLena is well-known among dedicated trial attorneys as a devoted and skillful professional whose work is both highly effective and conscientious. I highly recommend her as one of the area’s premier attorneys, and we could use more like her in the bar.”
Honorable Giovanni Campbell
Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas (Recommendation posted on LinkedIn)
“As usual, Ms. Caravasos, you always do a very conscientious job, and I appreciate that. Thank you very much.”
Honorable Mary A. McLaughlin
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (United States v. S. G., January 2011)