Homicides & Death Penalty

Law Office Of NiaLena CaravasosMy PracticeCase SuccessesHomicides & Death Penalty

  • Successfully represented a client in a capital homicide trial which lasted one month. Despite a lifelong criminal history which involved 30 violent felony convictions, and the fact that the defendant had allegedly killed a government witness in order to prevent that individual from testifying against him, the defendant did not receive the death penalty.

  • Succeeded in reversing a 22-year-old first degree murder conviction following three years of evidentiary hearings and winning a new trial for the defendant who had been serving a life sentence without parole.

  • Successfully represented a client accused of being the shooter in a first degree murder case in which the death penalty was sought. Following intensely aggressive advocacy in an effort to suppress two alleged confessions, succeeded in defeating the charge of first degree murder. The client, who had previously been raised in a ghetto environment and had dropped out of school, has since learned to read and write, passed his GED exam, and was accepted to a local university where he has been on the Dean’s List every semester.
    • The client also recently entered an essay competition sponsored by Yale Law School and wrote about NiaLena as the "most notable person" that he encountered in the legal system.

    • The client's full review on Avvo.com entitled "NiaLena Had A Vision For Me That I Couldn't See Myself" is highlighted on the Quotes by Others page on this website.