Tag: defendants


“The Internet v. The Criminal Courts”

Court-imposed internet restrictions and their application to criminal defendants used to be a non-issue. In the past few months, though, the U.S. Supreme Court in Packingham v. North Carolina unanimously invalidated a state law banning registered sex offenders from accessing websites that could facilitate direct communications with minors. Although the majority opinion and concurrence appears […]

A Truly Sobering Experience

According to The Telegraph in the U.K., defendants in Thailand who are convicted of drunk driving will receive a sobering sentence: community service in morgues. Hopefully this stark reality will hit home in a country that has the world’s second highest death rate on the roads.

Highlighting An Extraordinary Federal Judge

In light of the current public discussions regarding whether judges should strictly interpret the law or not, it seems as though it is only fitting to highlight the philosophy of this extraordinary U.S. District Court judge from the Western District of Washington. The story of “One Judge Makes the Case for Judgment: John Coughenour says […]

Therapy Dogs During Testimony

According to the Attorney Newsletter from the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, more and more courts have been allowing in recent years the use of therapy or comfort dogs to assist children and certain adults in the process of testifying in court and this year, two states (Arkansas and Illinois) have adopted […]