In light of the current public discussions regarding whether judges should strictly interpret the law or not, it seems as though it is only fitting to highlight the philosophy of this extraordinary U.S. District Court judge from the Western District of Washington. The story of “One Judge Makes the Case for Judgment: John Coughenour says […]
“Former federal judge to President Obama: Free the man I sentenced to 55 years in prison” headlines an article in the Washington Post. Former U.S. District Court Judge Paul Cassell (previously appointed to the bench in 2002 by former President George W. Bush and now a professor at the University of Utah’s law school) has […]
According to the recent Associated Press article entitled “Sex offenders challenge new federal passports law,” President Obama just signed a somewhat controversial federal sex offender law, the International Megan’s Law bill, and a civil rights group has filed suit challenging the requirement for sex offenders to be identified on their passports. The lawsuit will be […]